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Complimentary Lenses but also...


So the be a modern hero promo starts up this Spring 2017 just in time for some sun (hopefully) coming our way.

The promotion, you may have seen the swanky advert hit some TV ad breaks this past month (see here if you haven't), is a great offer for our patients to take advantage of.

In the modern day we are constantly involved in several tasks, whether it is being at work or driving, or carrying out hobbies or interests. We need sun protection and sometimes there is a need for a spare or back up pair. In the test or dispense we will ask you about your daily needs to see if a second pair will be required. Think of all the times when you could have done with more specific vision such as designated spectacles for night reading or the computer or driving with low sun.

So we urge our patients to not only get a second set of lenses but take advantage of the second pair offer by getting just as good varifocals in the second set of spectacles as you won't want to affect your vision when switching to one set to another.

Why not go for a Prevencia coated lens in your main pair for computers but also go for a Forte coated lens in the 2nd set so it still gets a scratch guarantee! Or go for 2 sets of EyeZen lenses. However why not opt for transitions...

If you do go for Transitions, for example in the best Varilux lens which is our S series, or go for the thinnest and lightest index 1.74 then we will award you with a complimentary Xperio lens complete with a back surfaced coated lens in S series and 1.74 index.

Essilor who are responsible for our lens of choice Varilux, Transitions and the Crizal coating are the largest lens manufacturer in the world but also one of the best, they don't give out Crizal coated lenses much so this is as I cannot over exaggerate is a great time to update your spectacles.

Watch this space for some more announcements in the coming weeks too.

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